Cabin Fever!
Not sure about you but the weather at the moment is getting me down.
I like the sun, the kids like the sun, the animals like the sun and we especially don’t like the cold and the wet.
Even on a cold day, we can still be outside with the patio heater or fire pit offering a nice warm haven, but on a warm day we can utilise the play system, garden games or playhouse and get the BBQ going.
We’re looking out at the rain lashing down again, wondering where the summer is.
It’s June and we are considering putting the central heating on to help dry the washing.
The forecast on BBC Radio two this morning said may as well write off the month of June as far as summer’s concerned.
The forecast is mostly rain until the end of the month so hopefully there are some good programmes on TV as there are only so many board games you can play.
Well, fingers crossed for July, it’s not that far away. I heard someone mumbling something about a late Indian summer……..i’ll believe it when I see it.
Take care